Beginner Volleyball Signups
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Google Sheets are used for the team creation tool. To access, click the “Access Teams Spreadsheet” button below. All the above player signups will be auto-filled into the “Signups” tab. All waitlist submissions will be auto-filled on the “Waitlist” tab.
Create teams by entering a number 1-6 in the Teams column in the Signups tab. To add a Waitlist player, simply copy their name over from the “Waitlist” tab to the “Signups” tab and enter a team number.
The teams will be automatically grouped once a number has been entered and you can preview the teams on the “Teams” tab. This view will also be accessible publicly on the website for players to see. To view this page, click the “View Teams (Public) button.
Beginner Volleyball Teams
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 2 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 3 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 4 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 5 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 6 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 7 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 8 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |
Team 9 |
Scott S. (he/him) |
Zach Ashton |
Tristan |
Benny H |
Allen Q |
Eli U |
Collin M |
Jordan F |
Maddie B |
Stefan |
Emily R |
Alex U |
Brett Hanke |
Mike Larson |
Michael Haas |
James Drexler |
Daichi |
Rich |
Trey |
Omir |
Caleb |
Chaska |
Mika Muras (They/she) |
Claire Kelly (she/her) |